Horto medicinal: relógio do corpo humano
Educação ambiental. Interdisciplinaridade. Plantas medicinais.Abstract
The activity here presented was part of the curriculum component of Supervised Curricular Internship II – Non-Formal Education, Degree in Physics of the Federal University of the South Frontier (UFFS). The project was developed at the Municipal Elementary School of the Princesa Isabel, in the Municipality of Rolador/RS, aiming at: developing among students an understanding about the importance of the existence of a medicinal garden in the school and about the use of teas to improve health; encouraging the use of medicinal herbs; helping students and the school community in the development of knowledge related to environmental and food education; leading them to perceive the importance of recycling practices. This project has enabled the development of several interdisciplinary activities, combining the theory and practice in a contextualized manner, which aided the process of teaching and learning through the promotion of collective work.
Additional Files
- 2021-10-13 (2)
- 2018-03-27 (1)
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