Aprendendo com as diferentes Chapeuzinhos na Educação Infantil
Cultura escrita. Literatura. Educação Infantil.Abstract
This work was carried in a municipal school of Jaguarão, in a class of Pre-school, with students from three to four years old. Aiming to the appreciation of language and literature as interaction with the world of the letters and the writing. The literature was used to learn and recreate, we tried to make activities that awaken curiosity by the writing culture through the tale of Little Red Riding Hood and her relectures. During the practice, we observed the motivation and the enthusiasm of the students to work the letters and texts, and the importance to consider them actives in the construction of the knowledge and learning, towards this understanding as they learn to speak, read and write. It appeared that all, in one way or another, had awakened to new discoveries, reminding of previous activities, showing that they were inserted in the guiding principle of the educational project developed and, in this way, showing other learnings.
- 2021-10-15 (2)
- 2014-03-13 (1)
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